Good news!!!! I'm going to St Augustine today!!!!! I GET TO GO TO TARGGGEEEETTTTTTT!!!!!!! HUZZAH! hahaha we're having a zone p day.. but we're obviously going to sneak away and go to target hahah Probably won't go to downtown... but that's okay. Another time. haha
So whatever you got from the dmv, it's my records and forward them to the mission home! I can't drive because Elder Rhoades doesn't have them. And yes, they do charge you.
So here's the deal, probably because some fiend of a missionary was disobedient, we are no longer allowed to use the internet at our homes at all, ever. Completely banned. GAH! Do you realize that we live 7! MILES! away from the nearest available free wifi?!?! And when you only have 30 miles a day!! And you have to sync your ipad for the area book every night... so dumb. But whatever. It'll all work out haha. So I'll probably be writing you closer to noon now and we can't chat... sorry... haha
But I did get your letter! I'm so happy! Thank you! And with the skype thing! We do get to skype... But I don't know what time you would want to? I have church from 11-2 but don't get home till about 2:30... But you can skype or facetime me with just my email address. But I don't know when you're going to spanish or whatever?
My week has been alright.. I've had a bout with strep this week.. So we were cooped up for a couple days.. Which was ok (but not really) because we've had such dismal weather!!! It was pouring for like.. 3 or 4 days. The sun finally came out on Saturday which we were elated about.
We got to watch the Ft Lauderdale temple dedication! It was wonderful!! I've never been to one, but it was amazing!
My investigators are doing well(: we've had a few miracles with them! We trying to start teaching Nona's grandson's girlfriend.. And we had one lesson with her but she's super busy... but she texted US this morning and said "I haven't forgotten you guys!! I just need to look at my calendar!" WHAT?! Yeeeessssss! Eternal family in the making? I think YES!
Florence is doing great! Progressing more and more every day! We're working on organizing to build a ramp with the youth. She takes care of a man who's had several strokes and what not.. So she has to wheel him down a steep ramp and drag him across the sand and then do it on the way back too. She only weighs 78 pounds and is 67? I think.. And Sunny weighs 140... She's amazing. But she says it's because the good Lord gives her the strength. I LOVE HER SO MUCH!
But I love being a missionary! It's wonderful! Sorry my thoughts are so scattered, I'm trying to hurry hahah. I love you all!!!!
Sister Bradford
Cute Sister J talking about her flowers and how pretty the iris are....
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