I have had a rough week haha. I've spent most of it sleeping haha. So you know my funny vision that happened on Sunday? Well it kept happening.. And got worse.. Like continual never ending. I've been dizzy and my vision has been CRAZY and so I would get tired super
duper after working for a couple hours... So I would come home and sleep for 2-4 hours and then still sleep like a rock at night.. Sooo I was going to go to the optometrist because that's what elder Andrew (he's a senior missionary over medical stuff) told me to do. But then I was like... This not just my eyes. So we went to a walk in clinic. And they were doing the normal check up stuff blah blah blah. The doctor leaves. Another guy comes in and says "I have to draw some blood and then you're going to go get a ct scan." ..... WHAT?! First of all.. I hate needles and second.. CT scan? So he goes to draw blood and misses my vein so he goes through my hand! My hand is bruised... And then they left me in the room by myself for several minutes... Needless to say I started crying and all I could think was "I just want my mom... I just want my moooommmm"
Kids. I don't care how old you are, where you live, our what you're doing. You will always want your mom haha.
So anyway. The ct scan and blood work came back good. They just said I have fluid in my ear and to take the prescription they gave me and if I'm still not getting better in a week they're going to do an MRI on my noggin. Ssooooo. Yeah hahaha.
But on a brighter note! We had our social! Which is where most of my title ties in.
So I'm sitting there rehearsing to the elders what happened, because it was noticeable to everyone that I wasn't with it haha, and Elder Stallard was like "maybe you have one of those brain parasites like that one elder that was here. He had to go home and everything.. Well Sis Bradford, you're probably going to be seeing mountains a lot sooner than you thought." (We had been talking earlier about how we miss mountains) SHUT UP! That's what I wanted to say haha. I don't have brain parasites haha.
Dottteeerrrraaaa. A couple ladies in the ward hooked me up with doterra and gave me a diffuser thing to sleep with at night. They gave me peppermint oil in the diffuser... All my dreams that first night were Christmas themed. And I felt fantastic that morning!... But then it wore off.. So it's not all it's cracked up to be hahaha.
But the social was really good! 9! Non members came!!! That's a lot!! And we fished and everyone loved the JDawgs sauce! Everyone kept asking me about it hahaha. Thanks for sending me that(: but it was great to have that many non members! Twas exciting.
As for the spider slaying... We had to giant spiders on our door this morning! So I valiantly sprayed them with shout and hairspray.. They died. Also, I've been killing spiders with my bear hands! Just baby ones.. But still! Tell Kass she'd never make it here. Haha
Well I love The Lord and this work! I know He has reasoning in all things. Hopefully this week I'll get better! I wish I had more spiritual things to share! I love you all!!
Sister Bradford
Fishing at the S's.
This is a legit gator RT caught. Gator hunting is some crraaazzyyy stuff.
The spiders I slayed.
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